Sunday, April 27, 2008

Little Rock 2008...the Clinton Library...

Michele recently attended a pediatric pharmacist hootenanny in Little Rock, Arkansas. Paul's sister Diane was kind enough to watch Sammy for the weekend so Paul accompanied her. While Michele was attending meetings and such, Paul went around the city (more postings on that later).

The trip provided us an opportunity us to see our first presidential library...and to have some adult time together (when Michele was not in meetings and sessions).

The Bill Clinton presidential library opened in 2004. We hope to visit all of the libraries.

We arrived at the library early before it opened...

...while waiting for the library to open...
...we noticed...
...quite strangely enough...
...there was an industrial-sized document shredder truck out in front...
...not something you'd expect to see at a presidential archive library...
...then again...

The library was designed to echo Clinton's "bridge to the 21st century" campaign motif... mimicking a bridge...
...though the library falls short of making it across the river...

Underneath new shiny facade of the Clinton Library...
... its underbelly is plagued with corrosive rust...

There were numerous letters of praise for Clinton on display...
...mostly from Hollywood's elite...
...and Tony Danza...

A model of the White House is currently on display at the Clinton Library...

The library lacks mention any of recent republican presidents...
...but the library staff must have missed the teeny tiny photos on the miniature table...
(enlarge to see)

"G"-esque art...
Gonda building-esque glass sculpture...
( Dale Chihuly)

An underpass right by the library...
...could this be Bill's running shoe--supposedly on display in Little Rock?
(more on this later)