Sunday, May 25, 2008

"Minnesota Sam" and the Basement of Bonbons...

Warning: Contains Spoilers!

This past weekend we had an Indiana Jones marathon. In one day we watched all three movies and then went to the cinema to see the latest one. Jessica and Johanna joined us for this monumental event. Surprisingly, our two year old Sam intently watched all three movies with us. We bought just about every kind of movie candy you can think of...and really didn't eat any of them (just popcorn). Anybody want a box of Milk Duds?

For the day, our basement became...
the "Basement of Bonbons"...
(recognize the scene on the TV?)
...notice the "treasure" on the TV stand...

In his guise as a little boy, our Sammy seems the average child...

Until he saw Raiders of the Lost Ark,
upon which he donned his fedora,
and became "Minnesota Sam"...

"Minnesota Sam"...
...and his father... your heart out Sean Connery...

Sammy snuggles with Jessica during a tense scene...

Usually wearing your hat in a theater might cause some to complain...
...but with the stadium seating we had, it was no problem for Johanna...

"Minnesota Sam" successfully raided the bowl of popcorn...

...only to be leveled by a booby-trapped bouncing ball...