Sunday, July 23, 2006

Babies "R" Us Comes to Rochester!

Rochester Minnesota is now home to more than just the Mayo Clinic and a water tower shaped and painted like a corn-cob (really!). The local Toys "R" Us in town just put on an addition and opened a Babies "R" Us. How convenient for us since we rely on bottled Similac to get us through Sammy's night feedings now.

They had a "grand opening" where they had coupons, cookies, and cartoon characters for the kids, so we took Ana, Noah, and little Sammy. Here are some pics.

Some cartoon character "Dora" with Sharon & Ana

Noah is usually all smiles, but sometimes when photographed projects melancholy.

Sammy was up to this point not impressed at all...

...until he met Winnie the Pooh (what is a Pooh anyways?)

Ana may be small in stature but mighty in heart.