Sunday, August 13, 2006

Pasta at Aunt Annies

This past weekend we drove up to the Twin Cities to see Paul's sisters Anne & Diane. Sammy's Aunt Annie & Aunt Diane cooked macaroni & meatballs for us all. Macaroni & meatballs was the ritual Sunday meal that Aunt Anne, Aunt Diane, and Paul grew up on. Aunt Annie's work friend by the name of Diane and Aunt Diane's beau named Grant also were there for the meal this past weekend. After the tasty dinner we played a brutal game of Beyond Boulderdash.

Sammy's Aunt Annie and her work friend named Diane...

Sammy's Aunt Diane smiles for the camera...

Grant & Aunt Diane volunteered for kp duty...

Michele smiles for the camera...

Sammy learns to phone collect...

Not getting ice cream fast enough, Sammy takes control of the spoon himself...

...dessert...yummy yummy (note the Sammy juice bottle).