Thursday, October 05, 2006

Marlin Perkins had it easy...

Marlin Perkins...

Back when both Michele and Paul were kids they would watch Mutual of Omaha's "The Wild Kingdom" hosted by Marlin Perkins. Each week there was footage of animals in the wild. We never gave much thought to how difficult it was to capture a wild animal on film doing something specific in its natural habitat. Mostly, we wondered why at the time why it was Jim Fowler who had to wrestle the boa constrictor while Marlin just looked on.

Anyway, Sammy has started to crawl. Yes, he's moving all over the floor now. And one would think this would be a fairly easy thing to photograph. Not with Sammy. Getting a good photograph of Sammy is like trying to get footage of Big Foot. Everytime Sammy hears the camera beep as it signals that it is in focus, he stops crawling and smiles at the camera. But with intense perseverence of a natural wildlife photographer, we did manage to get a few fuzzy pictures of the ever elusive Sammy...

The pajama'd Sammy in his natural habitat...crawling along...

Lil' Sammy glances as he glides by us...

The natural habitat of Sammy being encroached upon by laundry...