Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Stroll on Old College Street

This week during Rochester Fest, a local Rochester man (Ken Allsen) is presenting a walking architectural tour of 4th Street SW. Originally the street was called "College Street" but was later renamed to 4th Street when Rochester switched to the numbered street convention. It was over a balmy 90F last night when we attended. Sammy's friend Linda accompanied us, helping him keep his cool. One of the highlights of the tour was going on the grounds of the Mayo Foundation House. According to our tour guide, it is not often that Mayo Security allows tours on the property.

The "College Apartments" were once the tony place to live in Rochester...

The entrance door to the College Apartments...

The Mayo Foundation House...

The walls around the Mayo Foundation House...

The carriage entrance to the Mayo Foundation House...

A view from the north at the side of the Mayo Foundation House...

Looking east at the back of the Mayo Foundation House...

A gazebo on the back lawn of the Mayo Foundation House...

Sammy demonstrating the "gift" he has for human anatomy... he shows Michele where your nose is...

A fountain on the east lawn of the Mayo Foundation House...

A low quality video of the back lawn of the Mayo Foundation House...

A nice brick house on 4th Street SW...

Sammy is always getting attention from the ladies...

A Victorian house on 4th Street SW...

Another nice house on 4th Street SW...

One of the many trees in SW Rochester this year sentenced to the toothpick factory...

Our tour guide in front of the Furlow Apartment Building on 4th Street SW...

Linda rubbing Sammy's back...
...Sammy's new trick is when you stop rubbing his back...
...he gives the sign language gesture for "more" (really!)...

Paul, Michele, Sammy, & the Med City Skyline...

Med City...some day the sign to the city will say...
..."Rochester, birthplace of Sammy and--oh yeah--home of the Mayo Clinic too"...