Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sammy's 2nd Year Birthday Tour: Celebration

While Sammy was back in New York for his birthday, his great Aunts and Uncles came to visit him and celebrate Great Grandma's, Poppa's (Grandpa R), and Sammy's birthdays. Here are a few photos...

Having your cake and eating it....

Aunt Brenda, Sammy, and Uncle Chris...

Uncle Jimmy in the partying spirit...

Aunt Susie & Uncle Ron...

Aunt Susie, Great Grandma, and Grandma

Uncle Andy and Sammy sharing a laugh...

Sammy teaching his Aunts to dance...

Aunt Diane and Sammy...

Aunt Diane draped in curtains...

Uncle Jim, Great Grandma, Paulie, & Uncle Andy...

Group Shot...
Aunt Susie, the remote control, Great Grandma, Grandma...
Uncle Ron, Grandpa, Sammy, Aunt Diane, Uncle Andy...

Sleepy...or ice cream headache?