The GE Frontload Washer/Dryer Pair we Sears...
Paul bought our old washing machine/dryer off of a relative some years ago. On it was a picture of Jesus (from the Sacred Heart Auto League) which his relative had put on it...back in 1984/1985. We're not sure what the SHAL has to do with appliances, but we can't complain as we got many good years (10+) out of those appliances. When our washing machine died this week, Michele got it to work again briefly...enough to empty out the water left in the tub. Then the picture of Jesus from SHAL fell off the washing machine...the masking tape from 20 years ago gave out. Michele tried to put the picture back on the machine, but the tape would no longer hold it. The washing machine has not worked since. So we took it as a message from a higher authority that it was time to get a new machine.
The Sacred Heart Auto League...they apparently have pull w/appliances too!