Saturday, January 06, 2007

Michele and Sammy go home...

On the TV series "Jericho," a small town has to deal with a post-apocalyptic world where none of their electronic devices work. Well, no EMP occurred while Michele and Sammy went home, but unfortunately our small Sony camera did not take very good pictures (we postulate that it was a low battery). So just like our spy photos of the house Paul grew up in, the family photos taken while Michele was home did not come out all too well. So here are the ones which aren't overly blurry (sadly, none were good with Michele's Grandmother in it)

o as the story goes, Michele and Sammy went home for the better part of a week to see her family. There were able to see just about everyone minus Michele's sister down in Altanta. While there, an intense crisis arose when Sammy's cousin Noah locked himself and Ana in the office. But more on that later.

Sammy and his Grandpa & Grandma...

Sammy and his Grandma...

Sammy, Aunt Diana, his Godfather/Uncle Andy, and his godfather's Yankees cap...
...go Yankees!

Jaime's beau Chris attempts to rescue the little ones locked in the study...

Although Sammy was not in the study himself...
...he still somehow managed to get rescuted (and attention)...

tells her mama...
all about the drama...

Michele, Sammy, and her brother Paul...
...and Paul's Yankees cap...
...go Yankees!

Sammy and Paul's fiancee Shirley...

Sammy and his uncle Paul...

Chris and Sammy conversing...

Sammy with his Aunt Jaime and her beau Chris...

Michele with her high school friend Amy and her daughter Madison...
...and of course Sammy too..

Sadly, a better quality pic than what our Sony camera took!