Sunday, September 16, 2007

Visiting the Aunts...

Yesterday we swung up to the Twin Cities to see Sammy's aunts Anne and Diane. We did some shopping for under-the-cabinet kitchen lights (a harrowing experience in a showroom filled with glass and an energetic octopus-boy Sammy). After that we went in search of sweets and ended up at the Bellaria Bakery. Bellaria Bakery does not use "pre-made" mixes, everything is made from scratch. The goods there are scrumptious.

Then we crossed the street to Trader Joe's. It's the kind of grocery store where trendy non-conformists can buy their vittles. We succumbed to the atmosphere, developed a desire to be like everyone else there (in a non-conformist sort of way, mind you), and subsequently bought a couple of bags of groceries.

We highly recommend the Ballaria Bakery...

An example of their excellent cuisine...

Group shot at the bakery...
...and yes Paul's eyes are closed...
...the baker only took one shot... us...he's a better baker than photographer...

Right across the street is Trader Joe's...

Back and aunt Diane's, Sammy sports a hat...

Sammy's cousin Chris shows why...
...he should be a model on the Price is Right..