Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Guess where we went today...

Today we drove up to the Twin Cities to the Michele Bachmann/Sarah Palin rally (for Bachmann's reelection bid). We met up with Paul's sister Anne & Sean. About 10,000 people were there.

We somehow ended up by where a mini-TV studio was set up. Turns out it was the FOX News stage for Hannity. Before the event started, Hannity came out to shake hands and sign books. We just happened to be by the portable metal fences, so he came right past us. Michele shook his hand. Hannity tried to shake Paul's hand--twice--but Paul was not paying attention (off in deep thought or such). Finally, Hannity put his hand on Paul's shoulder, grasped it, and said thanks for coming. One thing we agree on, the TV screen does add like 5lbs to the person.

There was a steady stream of state luminaries who spoke. Various congressmen, Governor Pawlenty, etc. Finally Michele Bachmann and then Sarah Palin. It was a fun event. Pawlenty is a pretty decent public speaker actually.

When we left. we had a minor incident at the parking garage. When we went to exit, the attendant asked for the receipt. The driver of our car had no recollection of having been given one when we paid on entry. A tense standoff ensued with our driver reluctant to pay anything more than we already paid. The supervisor spoke to us over a speaker and said we had to pay a full day fee (on top of the $9 we paid to get in to the garage) absent a receipt. But eventually the supervisor brought up the gate for us to leave. Later at home, we found the receipt. So it goes.