Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Easter 2010

Sammy really seemed to enjoy Easter this year. The Easter Bunny brought him a new bike and the Flash action figure he wanted. Later in the day we want over to Dennis' house for a wonderful dinner and time with his family. Sammy enjoys being around Dennis and his children: Benton, Kendra, and Avery.

He wants to ride his bicycle, he wants to ride his bike...

Finally, the Flash figurine that he wanted!
(pardon his hair...he just woke up)

Avery and Sammy compare their results...
...from the Easter Egg hunt provided by Kendra...

Benton capably guides Sammy...

Kendra, Avery, and Dennis marvel at Benton on the parallel bars...

Avery shows Sammy how to climb like SpiderMan...

Sammy the bicyclist...

Benton provided a scientific demonstration...
...of Diet Coke & Menthos...

...or as Sammy says, "I'm picking up speed Mom!"