Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I can't believe you are watching that!

The Minnesota Atheists As They Appeared On Our Television...

Michele seems to believe that Paul has a talent for finding the weirdest thing currently on TV and then watching it. One day she caught him watching the cable public access channel while they were broadcasting "Atheist Talk TV." What follows is a conversation between Michele & Paul:

MICHELE: Paul, what are you watching now?
PAUL: Uh...the Minnesota Atheist show.
MICHELE: Since when did you start watching this show?
PAUL: Uh...I watch this show all the time.
MICHELE: Pray tell...why would you watch it?
PAUL: Uh...the inspiring stories.
MICHELE: Such as?
PAUL: The University of Minnesota Atheists are on now.
MICHEL: And how is that inspiring?
PAUL: They hope to get back up to 50 members this year.
MICHELE: Oh, really...and you think they'll make it?
PAUL: Well, you gotta have faith.
MICHELE: Paul, I've never seen you watch this show.
PAUL: Oh, I do...I watch it religiously.
MICHELE: Give me that remote control!

Note: as can be evidenced by the make of our TV in the photo above (you have to click on it to view it larger), Paul does not believe in buying expensive consumer electronics.