Monday, September 11, 2006

Mr 101°

Today the Sammy's daycare called us up and said Sammy had a temperature of 101°. So we rushed through the streets of Rochester to pick him up (luckily we did not run into a DM&E train). We ended up taking him to the Mayo Clinic that day to have him checked...Paul had to knock over the gurney that Gerald Ford was to bring Sammy to the front of the line (ok, just kidding on that part). We gave Sammy some children's Tylenol and his fever seemed to break. Which leads us to Sammy smart enough to fake illness to get out of day care?

15 minutes after picking up Sammy and giving him a bottle...
...and suddenly he's Mr Personality...
...does he look ill to you?

Update 12:27am-Sammy is having a tough night. He woke up at 10pm and it took Michele 1.5 hours to get him back to sleep again. Poor Sammy! Poor Michele!