Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Mystery of the Eggplant Parmesian

This last Labor Day weekend, Paul and Sammy took a nap on Sunday. While the two slept Diane, Anne, and Michele snuck out and went to Trader Joe's where they bought just about everything the store has to offer. Later Diane (the cook of the family) whipped up Pizza Frit (pizza dough fried in olive oil with sugar sprinkled on it...actually it's quite good) and Eggplant Parmesan. We marvelled at how quickly Diane was able to make the eggplant dish...until the sad truth came out...

Pizza Frit has always been an ethnic favourite of ours...

Eggplant Parmesan which we thought Diane had made from scratch...

Anne suspects something is up...

Careful inspection shows it was Trader Joe who really made the Eggplant Parmesian...